Technology Archives | Coryton
7 July 2021

Coryton Supports Successful E10 Motorcycle Trial

The Success

On the 30th October, 2020, a revolutionary new technology, aimed at supporting the UK’s sustainable chemistry transition, was successfully demonstrated with a live motorbike trial. It was the first time that Nova Pangaea, pioneer of REFNOVA, successfully exhibited the viability of their patented technology. Ably supported by Coryton, the supporting fuel technology partner, and witnessed by the Department for Transport, a Honda CBR650R Fireblade ran without fault on a E10 gasoline, produced by Coryton utilizing Nova Pangaea’s second-generation ethanol.

In so doing, the live showing demonstrated the REFONVA’s viability in support of the UK Government’s long-term net-zero emissions goal. More importantly, with the pending transition to 10% ethanol in all consumer gasoline, Coryton could confirm the suitability of this material in support of this switch.


The Technology

This success was carried out at Nova Pangaea’s headquarters in Redcar, home of the patented REFNOVA technology. Utilizing agricultural residues, the new technology sustainably converts this waste material into base products for biofuels, biopolymers and biochemicals:

During this demonstration, the bio-ethanol utilized in Coryton’s E10 gasoline formulation was derived from the C5 Sugar stage, post wash. The sugar source was subsequently fermented to yield the bioethanol in question.

Upon review of the raw material, and subsequent approval of its quality, Coryton produced the following quality fuel for the vehicle demonstration:

Test Method Unit Limit Result
Min Max
Appearance Visual Report C&B
RON EN ISO 5164 95.0 - 95.1
MON EN ISO 5163 85.0 - 85.3
Density @ 15°C EN ISO 12185 kg/L 0.7200 0.7750 0.7498
DVPE @ 37.8°C EN 13016-1 kPa 45.0 100.0 56.1
Sulfur EN ISO 20846 mg/kg - 10.0 3.5
Water EN ISO 12937 % v/v Report 0.077
- Paraffins ASTM D6730 mod % v/v Report 11.7
- Isoparaffins ASTM D6730 mod % v/v Report 35.8
- Olefins ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 18.0 7.7
- Naphthenes ASTM D6730 mod % v/v Report 4.6
- Aromatics ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 35.0 29.8
- Unknowns ASTM D6730 mod % v/v Report 0.8
Benzene ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 1.00 0.18
- Methanol ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 3.0 <0.1
- Ethanol ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 10.0 9.5
- MTBE ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 22.0 <0.1
- ETBE ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 22.0 <0.1
- Other ASTM D6730 mod % v/v - 15.0 <0.1
Oxygenates - Total ASTM D6730 mod % v/v Report 9.5
Oxidation Stability EN ISO 7536 min 360 - >360
Copper Corrosion (3h at 50ºC) EN ISO 2160 Rating Class 1 - 1A
Existent Gum - Washed EN ISO 6246 mg/100mL - 5 <1
Lead EN 237 mg/L - 5.0 <2.5
Phosphorous ASTM D3231 mg/L - 1.3 <0.20
Carbon ASTM D6730 mod % m/m Report 83.29
Hydrogen ASTM D6730 mod % m/m Report 13.21
Oxygen ASTM D6730 mod % m/m - 3.70 3.50
Gross Calorific Value ASTM D3338 mod MJ/kg Report 44.02
Net Calorific Value ASTM D3338 mod MJ/kg Report 41.21

The Feedback

“As part of our greenprint for the future of transport we’re committed to slashing emissions across all vehicles on our roads as we look to end our contribution to climate change by 2050. By supporting trials such as this we can take advantage of reduced CO2 emissions and this small switch to cleaner petrol will help drivers reduce the environmental impact of every journey, with us all benefitting from breathing cleaner air.”

UK Transport Minister, Rachel Maclean


“As the world continues to transition away from fossil fuels, the REFNOVA process could make a critical contribution to the target of net-zero emissions. Having reviewed and formulated fuels, using many sustainable components, Coryton can say with confidence that second-generation ethanol of this quality will be a welcome addition to the increasing biofuel slate.”

Coryton Commercial Manager, Luke Goldsmith


“This is a significant milestone for Nova Pangaea, we have now proven that REFNOVA will produce viable products for biofuels which are a critical part of the shift towards net zero. I’m really proud of our team for the hard work, determination and dedication that is going into our rapid development as a company. I’m also extremely grateful for the ongoing support from the Department for Transport whose grant funding was critical in our ability to reach this crucial milestone. This is a significant part of the global energy transition – replacing fossil fuels to work towards net zero. To meet our carbon reduction targets, alternative fuels need to be from non-fossil fuel sources. Bioethanol is a sustainable drop-in that does not require additional infrastructure investment.”

Nova Pangaea CEO, Sarah Ellerby


