Coryton – A Centre of Excellence
As a centre of expertise, Coryton’s facilities are at the forefront of safety and operational excellence – specifically designed for the development, formulation and blending of speciality fuels.
Coryton is committed to sustainability, not only in its products, but also its practices. We have the people, the technology, and the will to forge a better, Cleaner Future.

The warehouse has a capacity for 725 pallet spaces, with the option to add additional racking for a further 96 pallet spaces.

We strive to be the renewable and speciality fluids partner of choice for forward-looking customers and the Technical Department is relentless to supports Coryton’s desire to find even more innovative fuel solutions.

This area has been earmarked for development with the EVT tanks being demolished and replaced with a semi-automated drum filling facility.

The bund consists of 14 tanks with a total capacity of 450,000L, ranging in size between 25,000 and 50,000L.

The area consists of 2 x bunds containing 18 tanks with a capacity totalling 548,000L, now only used for Diesel.

Barrel Store
Warehouse for the storage and preparation of pack goods.
The warehouse has a capacity for 725 pallet spaces, with the option to add additional racking for a further 96 pallet spaces.
Covered canopy area for the loading of vehicles (including ramp access for box containers)
Fuel Testing Laboratory
The laboratory follows strict quality processes and is ISO 17025 accredited. It is fully equipped to test against EN, ISO, ASTM, JIS and other standards. High-quality analysis part with short turnaround times allows fast releases of our batches.
We strive to be the renewable and speciality fluids partner of choice for forward-looking customers and the Technical Department is relentless to supports Coryton’s desire to find even more innovative fuel solutions.
General Storage Facility
Engine Vehicle Testing
The Engine Vehicle Testing (EVT) system consists of 15 x tanks with 5000L capacity each (10 gasoline and 5 diesel) and is used for small volume blends of between 2500L and 5000L.
This area has been earmarked for development with the EVT tanks being demolished and replaced with a semi-automated drum filling facility.
Coryton Main Office
The main office building was opened in May 2019 and can house 30 employees with welfare facilities, board room and our plant control room.
Product Storage Tanks
The product tank bund is used for the storage of finished product awaiting call off and onward distribution. The bund consists of 17 tanks with a capacity of 725,000L, ranging in sizes between 25,000 and 100,000L.
Component Storage Tanks
The component tank bund houses the most commonly used components in Coryton's fuel blending process, blend components used in smaller volumes will be held in IBCs or drums.
The bund consists of 14 tanks with a total capacity of 450,000L, ranging in size between 25,000 and 50,000L.
CTC Diesel Storage Tanks
The CTC tanks reflects the site heritage, these tanks previously blended and supplied the fuels used in the Coryton Technology Centre's engine test cells, where lubricants such as Castrol GTX were developed.
The area consists of 2 x bunds containing 18 tanks with a capacity totalling 548,000L, now only used for Diesel.
Barrel Store North
Prior to the construction of the new main warehouse, this barrel store historically housed the site's drummed products. It is now dedicated to customer projects requiring dedicated storage space.
Barrel Store South
7 bay warehouse with a maximum capacity of 525 pallets. Bays can be assigned to customer projects which require dedicated segregated storage.
ICPMS Facility
Dedicated facility for the decanting and packing of small volume fuel samples used in worldwide inter-laboratory testing schemes.
Firewater Storage Tank and Pumping Station
Coryton's firewater system was commissioned in 2017 and made Coryton fully independent with regards to firefighting provisions which were previously provided by the adjacent refinery.
Future Development Area
This area, along with the adjacent barrel store, offers opportunity for future development, including additional storage and/or blending tanks and a bunded storage area for road tankers and isotank containers.
Engineering Workshop
IBC/Drum Cleaning and Recycling Facility
Bowser Shed
IBC/Drum Blending Facility
Site Reception and Locker Rooms
Tanker driver induction area and employee changing rooms.
Pilot Blending Lab
Cold Store
Refrigerated ATEX storage for the retention of fuel samples.
Site Welfare Suite
Site Control System Centre
PLC based Distributed Control System (DCS) and Motor Control Centre (MCC).
Fuels Technology Unit
At a cost of over £20 Million, the Fuels Technology Unit (FTU) was built in 2000 and commissioned in 2001. It has been designed specifically for the batch blending of specialist fuels, with tanks and pipework configured to ensure that full drain down can be achieved. Whilst the plant is capable of handling high and low flash materials, each grade is fully segregated to maintain product quality and to prevent cross contamination.
The Warehouse
Warehouse was opened in 2019 and consists of the covered warehouse building, canopy and the IBC laydown area.
IBC Yard
For the storage IBC containers of blending components and finished products. Current maximum capacity of 2400 IBCs.
Diesel Blending Tanks
2 x stand-alone twin skinned diesel blending tanks with capacity of 10,000 and 18,000L.
Coryton is designated as a Lower Tier COMAH site. COMAH regulations aim to prevent and mitigate major accidents. Coryton also borders a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) which means very high safety standards apply here.
FTU (Fuel Technology Unit) Blending Tanks
The blending bund consists of 9 x blending tanks, specifically designed for the effective mixing of complex blends and to ensure that full homogeneity is achieved. The total system capacity is 635,000L and is capable of producing blends from 10,000L to 100,000L.

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